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Performance Best Practices for VMware vSphere 6.5

Intended Audience: This book is intended for system administrators who are planning a VMware vSphere 6.5 deployment and want to maximize its performance. The book assumes the reader is already familiar with VMware vSphere concepts and terminology. About This Book: NOTE : For planning purposes we recommend reading this entire book before beginning a deployment. Material in the Virtual Infrastructure Management chapter, for example, might influence your hardware choices. VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304 www.vmware.com

Tứ thư - Ngũ Kinh trong Giáo dục đời người

Trong lịch sử văn hóa, tư tưởng phương Đông, bộ sách Tứ Thư có một vai trò cực kỳ quan trọng. Hầu hết các nước Châu Á, trong đó có Việt Nam, cả một chặng dài đã dùng Tứ Thư để làm nền tảng phát triển. Tứ Thư gồm bốn cuốn: Đại Học, Trung Dung, Luận Ngữ và Mạnh Tử. Sự hình thành bộ sách này kéo dài hàng trăm năm, trong đó nổi lên hai tên tuổi chủ đạo: Khổng Tử - người thầy, người khởi xướng, và Mạnh Tử - người kế thừa, phát triển. Tứ Thư đề cập đến nhiều lĩnh vực: triết học, chính trị, đạo đức, luật pháp... Một trong những nội dung chủ đạo của Tứ Thư là việc tập trung xây dựng nhân cách con người xã hội với những vấn đề căn cốt như: nhân, nghĩa, lễ, trí, tín.
$5.00 $2.50

VMware vSphere 6.7 Clustering Deep Dive

The realm of technology is one that has traditionally been constructed on silos. We tend to fragment our skills into very specific areas of expertise, even going so far as to isolate the very people who run data center and cloud operations into little buckets of focus and energy. I’d like to think that this, more than anything, was the root cause for such painfully slow progress towards realizing the dream of a fully software defined data center. I had always felt a bit stifled by this organizational fragmentation and thirsted for a way to put my hands on just about any solution that shows the promise of removing the burden of manual processes. Since you’re reading this book, I’ll make the assumption that you have had similar thoughts.
$39.95 $9.99

VMware vSphere Performance 6.5: Designing CPU, Memory, Storage, and Networking for Performance-Intensive Workloads

It’s hard to believe how far we’ve come in the virtualization industry. What was once considered a niche technology used only for development and testing is now used for production work- loads and even business-critical applications. The VMware vSphere platform is capable of sup- porting nearly any virtualized workload with very few obstacles standing in the way of close to 100 percent virtualization. Today’s workloads are more demanding than ever before. Email servers frequently require large amounts of memory and CPU resources in order to handle the large volume of email that we all deal with on a daily basis. Database servers often require large amounts of memory and storage resources, from a capacity perspective as well as performance, to meet the demands of a business. And newer technologies, such as virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), have intro- duced signii cant demand for resources in vSphere environments.
$32.49 $16.25

vSphere 6.5 configuration maximums

vSphere Upgrade describes how to upgrade VMware vSphere™ to the current version. To move to the current version of vSphere by performing a fresh installation that does not preserve existing conigurationsǰ see the vSphere Installation and Setup documentation. Intended Audience: vSphere Upgrade is for anyone who needs to upgrade from earlier versions of vSphere. These topics are for experienced Microsoft Windows or Linux system administrators who are familiar with virtual machine technology and data center operations.