Performance Best Practices for VMware vSphere 6.5

Intended Audience: This book is intended for system administrators who are planning a VMware vSphere 6.5 deployment and want to maximize its performance. The book assumes the reader is already familiar with VMware vSphere concepts and terminology. About This Book: NOTE : For planning purposes we recommend reading this entire book before beginning a deployment. Material in the Virtual Infrastructure Management chapter, for example, might influence your hardware choices. VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94304
Nhà máy: Learners Ltd
SKU: 20170710
Nhà cung cấp:

This book, Performance Best Practices for VMware vSphere 6.5, provides performance tips that cover the most
performance-critical areas of VMware vSphere® 6.5. It is not intended as a comprehensive guide for planning
and configuring your deployments.

Chapter 1, “Hardware for Use with VMware vSphere,” on page 11, provides guidance on selecting hardware
for use with vSphere.

Chapter 2, “ESXi and Virtual Machines,” on page 19, provides guidance regarding VMware ESXi
™ software and the virtual machines that run in it.

Chapter 3, “Guest Operating Systems,” on page 47, provides guidance regarding the guest operating systems
running in vSphere virtual machines.

Chapter 4, “Virtual Infrastructure Management,” on page 57, provides guidance regarding infrastructure
management best practices.

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